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Karun Thapa


Karun Thapa is an Information Technology and Media Professional who has more than 30 years of experience in the respective fields.

Along with his software development and database design profession, Mr. Thapa introduced 3D Animation and Digital Film Editing in Nepal. He is the first 3D Animator and an Award-winning Digital Film Editor who has edited more than 25 Nepali feature films and has completed hundreds of animations for television and commercials including Nepal TV, Image Channel, Himalaya TV, Krishi TV etc.

Mr. Thapa has been awarded in different fields including Best Lyricist of the year in 1998 and 2002. He has also has been awarded as the Best Film Editor in 1998. He has received many honours including honours from Nepal Film Producers’ Association for introducing Digital Film Technology in Nepal, CG Digital Film Award for Introducing Digital Film Technology in Nepal and honours from ICT Association of Nepal for introducing 3D Animation in Nepal. He has received several other felicitations and honours in various audio, video, animation and ICT sector.

Mr. Thapa has been the founder member for organisations like Computer Association of Nepal, Academy of Audio-Visual Arts and Sciences, etc. He was also the consultant in various organisations like Nepal Television, Nepal Police, Nepal Army, Himalaya Television, Krishi Television, Panos South Asia, BBC Media Action, Election Commission of Nepal, etc.

Mr. Thapa has been actively training animators, visual editors and digital media in Nepal and in South Asian countries. He has served as a prolific Jury Member in major national and international Film Awards including Nepal Government’s National Film Award, Kamana Film Awards, Nepal Motion Picture Association Film Award, Nepal Film Technician Association Film Award, International Nepali Film Artist Association Award, Film Artists’ Association Nepal Film Award, Nepal International Film Festival (NIFF), Nepal Army Video Competition, Crity Advertising Awards, Tuborg Image Award, Social Media Awards, etc.

Apart from technical expertise, he has recorded more than 100 songs and he contributes significantly in ghazal writing in Nepal. His two books are ready for publishing.